
Summer Swimming Pool in Kielce

Practical Information

  • Detailed InformationZwińRozwiń
    • Object type:
    • Facilities:
    • County:
    • Community:
    • Address:
      Kielce , ul. Szczecińska 1
    • Postal Code:
    • Latitude:
    • Longitude:
    • Tourist region:
      Kielce Region
    • price:
      9 PLN, 6 PLN (per all day)
    • Discounts:
      • Children
      • Students
    • Surrounding AccommodationZwińRozwiń
    The Museum of Toys and Play in Kielce
    The Museum of Toys and Play in Kielce

    The Museum of Toys and Play was established in 1979. In June 2006 it received a new seat and its name. The most precious part of its collection constitutes historical toys and, among them, dolls dating back to the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries...

    • Kielce, pl. Wolności 2
    • +48 41 344 40 78
    Kielce Historical Museum
    Kielce Historical Museum

    Opened in October 2006, the Kielce Historical Museum is one of the youngest cultural institutions of the Świętokrzyski region. It features a permanent exhibition entitled Kielce Through Centuries.

    • Kielce, ul. Leonarda 4
    • +48 41 340 55 20
    Saint Adalbert"s Church
    Saint Adalbert"s Church

    It"s the oldest church in Kielce. The first wooden building was erected at the turn of the 11th century. The next church was founded by canon Józef Rogalla in 1763. It was made of brick and acquired the Baroque appearance.

    • Kielce, Skwer Świętego Wojciecha 9
    • +48 41 344 46 81
    Muzeum Geologiczne w Kielcach
    Muzeum Geologiczne w Kielcach

    The museum was founded in 1963 as a fixed part of PIG"s branch in Świętokrzyskie, first as an archive and since 1992 as a museum open for visitors.

    • Kielce
    • +48 41 361 25 37
    The Museum of Stefan Żeromski’s School Years in Kielce
    The Museum of Stefan Żeromski’s School Years in Kielce

    Stefan Żeromski was particularly connected with the Kielce region. He was born in Strawczyn, near Kielce, spent his childhood in Ciekoty, lived in Kielce and studied at the local grammar-school. Today, the building houses the Museum of Stefan Żeromski’s School Years...

    • Kielce, ul. Jana Pawła II 5
    • +48 41 344 57 92
    The Diocesan Museum in Kielce
    The Diocesan Museum in Kielce

    The most beautiful and historic sacred-art works from the Diocese of Kielce can be seen in the ex-curia building which now hosts the Diocesan Museum.

    • Kielce, ul. Jana Pawła II 3
    • +48 41 344 58 20


    Summer swimming Pool in Kielce is appreciated by many people every summer. Olympic size 50 x 25 m and depth 1.20 m are the most attractive fature of this facility. There are also three grocery shops. The facility includes volleyball beach, ball beach soccer, a basketball court and swings.


    Hidden text line that is needed to fix map width
    • 20.65288066864
    • 50.862541164705
    • Kielce, ul. Szczecińska 1
    • Summer Swimming Pool in Kielce