
Zbójecka Cave in Łagów

Practical Information

  • Detailed InformationZwińRozwiń
    • Object type:
      Monuments of nature
    • County:
    • Community:
    • Address:
    • Latitude:
    • Longitude:
    • Tourist region:
      Kielce Region
    • Organizer name:
    • Organizer data:
      , 0
  • Description


    One of the Świętokrzyski Region caves known as the The Robber"s Cave is situated near Łagów. It can be entered from the eastern slope of the Dule gorge, some 20 meters from its bottom level. Only 25 meters of the karstic limestone cave (total length 170 m) is available for visitors. Its interiors are not so rich in dripstone formations as those of the Paradise Cave, but its main chamber features many interesting stalagmites, stalactites and columns. The cave"s wildlife includes spiders, little wingless insects and two bat species: brown bat and Daubenton"s bat.

    The Robber"s Cave derives its name from Madej the Robber who used it for rest and to store his booty. Those hikers who are more interested in his life-story are invited to choose an educational trail (Following the Footsteps of Madej the Robber) leading from Łagów to the Robber"s Cave via Dolina Łagowicy and Dule Gorge (5.5 km).

    Information can be obtained in The Regional Center of Tourist Information
    ul. Sienkiewicza 29
    25-007 Kielce
    phone: +48 41 348 00 60
    e-mail: informacja@swietokrzyskie.travel


    Hidden text line that is needed to fix map width
    • 21.086497306824
    • 50.777286900749
    • Łagów
    • Zbójecka Cave in Łagów