
The Jeleniowski Landscape Park – Boulder Fields on the Slopes

Practical Information

  • Detailed InformationZwińRozwiń
    • Object type:
      Landscape parks
    • County:
    • Community:
      Nowa Słupia
    • Address:
    • Tourist region:
      Kielce Region
    • Organizer name:
    • Organizer data:
      , 0
  • Description

    The park covers the Jeleniowskie range and the river valleys of Dobruchna and Pokrzywianka; its total surface area is 11,350 acres. Mountain forests and mixed mountain forests with predominance of Carpathian beech stands occupy nearly two thirds of the whole park"s territory. A bit different in character is the vegetation mantle growing on the ravine slopes with many Devonian rock outcrops in the vicinity of Grzegorzewice and Skała villages. Here one finds natural grasses and xerothermic shrubs with many varieties of xerothermic plant species such as hen and chicken house leek, Alpine aster, Siberian bell, yellow everlasting and many others. Similar associations of xerothermic plants are found on karstic soils in the neighborhood of Łagów and Piotrów.

    Both the Jeleniowskie and the Łysogóry ranges in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains have typical mountainous characteristics. Their distinguishing features are boulder fields (nature reserves) visible on slopes of Mt Jeleniewska and Mt Szczytniak.