
Świętokrzyskie Mountains

Practical Information

  • Detailed InformationZwińRozwiń
    • Object type:
      Protected landscape
    • County:
    • Community:
      Nowa Słupia
    • Address:
    • Tourist region:
      • Kielce Region
      • Końskie Region
      • Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Region
    • Organizer name:
      Head Office and Educational Center of the Świętokrzyski NP
    • Organizer data:
      26-010 Bodzentyn, ul. Suchedniowska 4
    • Phone:
      +48 41 311 51 06
    • fax:
      +48 41 311 51 06
    • Website:
    • Surrounding AccommodationZwińRozwiń
    The Centre of Pottery Tradition in Chałupki
    The Centre of Pottery Tradition in Chałupki

    For centuries a small village of Chałupki near Morawica provided extensive surroundings with clay ware, such as dishes and pots. The process lasted from the prehistorical times until the end of the 20th century.

    • Chałupki
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    The Jeleniowski Landscape Park – Boulder Fields on the Slopes
    The Jeleniowski Landscape Park – Boulder Fields on the Slopes

    The park covers the Jeleniowskie range and the river valleys of Dobruchna and Pokrzywianka; its total surface area is 11,350 acres. Mountain forests and mixed mountain forests with predominance of Carpathian beech stands occupy nearly two thirds of the whole park"s territory.

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    Tokarnia Heritage Park
    Tokarnia Heritage Park

    The main exhibition of the Museum of Kielecka Village is the Ethnographic Park in Tokarnia, which is located on the E77 route leading from Kielce to Cracow. In the picturesquely located in the Czarna Nida river bend over 70-hectare area...

    • Tokarnia
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    The Cisowsko-Orłowiński Landscape Park – Power of Nature
    The Cisowsko-Orłowiński Landscape Park – Power of Nature

    The park encloses the Orłowińskie, Ociesęckie and Cisowskie ranges as well as the Bardziańskie Hills, occupying the total area of 51 thousand acres. The nature is its greatest attraction, especially its vegetation mantle and forests; naturalists found here the majority of lowland habitats, from dry coniferous forest to alder carr.

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    Świętokrzyski National Park
    Świętokrzyski National Park

    The Świętokrzyski National Park was established in 1950 and it encompasses: the highest range of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains- Łysogóry with the summits of Łysica (612 m above sea level), Agata (608 m above sea level) and Łysa Góra (595 m above sea level), the eastern part of Klonowskie Range and a part of Pokrzywiańskie Range (together with Chełmowa Góra).

    • Bodzentyn
    The Chęciński-Kielecki Landscape Park – Paradise for Geologists
    The Chęciński-Kielecki Landscape Park – Paradise for Geologists

    It"s the most recently established landscape park (51,000 acres) located between Łośna and Bobrza Rivers in the south-western part of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. o wonder the Chęciński-Kielecki Landscape Park is known as the paradise for geologists.

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    Landscape Parks
    Landscape Parks

    The Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship is exceptionally rich in protected areas. Apart from the Świętokrzyski National Park, there are as many as eight Landscape Parks.

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    Mt Miedzianka – Nature Reserve
    Mt Miedzianka – Nature Reserve

    The elongated massif of Mt Miedzianka has been placed under protection. It constitutes the north-westernmost located elevation of the Ch ęciny range of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. The plateau has three summits that are connected by a picturesque rocky ridge.

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    • +48 41 345 58 80
    The Crypt on the Święty Krzyż Mountain
    The Crypt on the Święty Krzyż Mountain

    One of the biggest attraction of the monastery on the Święty Krzyż Mountain is the crypt, in which the human remains in the glass coffins can be seen. It is the place of eternal rest for the Oleśnickis chapel"s founder – Mikołaj Oleśnicki.

    • Święty Krzyż
    • +48 41 317 70 21




    The  Świętokrzyski region is a real geological trove, or an open book from which we can learn a lot about the history of our planet. The Świętokrzyskie Mountains occupy the central part of the region; although not the highest and not the biggest in Poland, they enchant visitors with the diversity of their geological structure. Additionally, the region is rich in many other geological curiosities such as monuments and reserves of inanimate nature. The Świętokrzyski region with its wealth of geological structures is a real paradise for nature lovers who can admire unusual forms and shapes of rock and land formations and willingly listen to various legends and fantastic stories. Here one can see caves, grottoes, outcrops,  rocks and rock agglomerations, erratic boulders, and other geological formations with names referring to their paradise-like of hell-like associations.

     The  Świętokrzyskie Mountains are known for their boulder fields, otherwise called stone rubble, rock debris or rock waste, which came into being due to weathering of quartzitic sandstone under the influence of climatic conditions. The biggest boulder fields are found in the heart of the Łysogóry range on the slopes of Mt Łysa Góra near the Święty Krzyż monastery. They carry the name of Roman Kobendza, the first botanist to describe the flora of the boulder fields, and can be admired from a special viewing platform.
     A bit smaller boulder fields are found near the top of the region"s highest Mt  Łysica (612 m) and in the Śzczytnik nature reserve. The latter one is a good example of the rock rubble being gradually invaded by plants. Lichens and mosses are followed by rowan and spruce trees and eventually rock debris are overgrown with a real forest. Boulder fields can also be seen in the nature reserves of Góra Jeleniowska and Małe Gołoborze.

    Gołoborze, or Boulder fields

     According to legend witches were flying onto Mt Łysa Góra in order to practice wizardry during their witches" sabbath. Devils were also there to  take part in the dances, but they were greatly disturbed by the presence of the nearby monastery buildings. In order to destroy the monastery, they brought lots of stones in a huge canvas to drop them onto the holy place. One of the monks was awoken by the noise and thinking that it was the time for morning prayers, he rang the bells. The sound of the bells deafened the devils; they dropped the canvas with stones on the mountain slope and thus the boulder fields were created.