A Geological Paradise
Practical Information
- Detailed InformationZwińRozwiń
- Object type:
- Nature reserves
- County:
- Kielce
- Community:
- Kielce
- Address:
- Kielce
- Latitude:
- 50.86120031728
- Longitude:
- 20.617690086365
- Tourist region:
- Kielce Region
- Organizer name:
- GeoPark Kielce
- Organizer data:
- 25-659 Kielce, ul. Strycharska 6
- Phone:
- +48 41 367 66 54
- E-mail:
- geopark.kielce@um.kielce.pl
- Website:
- www.geopark-kielce.pl

Kielce is considered as a city of outstanding geological qualities with its four geological reserves located in the city’s area. The most famous of them is Kadzielnia reserve established in lieu of the former quarry. Numerous fossils of corals, cephalopods, a world-unique armoured fish and brachiopods are protected there. Moreover, you can also see there interesting examples of various tectonic, mineral and karstic phenomena, and, among them, 26 caves. This remarkable place can also boast of its amphitheatre picturesquely located among rocks. “Ślichowice” geological reserve, which was established for the purposes of preservation of a rock pit, represents an interesting example of Hercynian tectonic influence exerted on the Świętokrzyskie Mountains and visible in the form of typical and strongly undulating lime rocks. You can see there an interesting geological profile with its reversed fold of rock. In Wietrznia reserve found in the eastern edge of the Kaledziańskie Range you can see Upper Devonian limestone with banks of variable thickness containing the remains of fauna of brachiopods, corals, snails, bivalves, trylobites, lilies and armoured fish. Biesak-Białogon, a reserve surrounded by forest and the smallest of the reserves found in the city of Kielce, is also worth seeing owing to its protected Ordovician and Cambrian outcrops reflecting a lot of interesting tectonic phenomena.
The Kielce Geopark
ul. Strycharska 6
25-361 Kielce
phone +48 41 367 66 54
Information can be obtained in The Regional Center of Tourist Information
ul. Sienkiewicza 29
25-077 Kielce
phone: +48 41 348 00 60
e-mail: informacja@swietokrzyskie.travel