Exhibition in Kielce Exhibition Art Gallery

Modern exhibitions of leading artists is divided into three parts. This art is audacious, inspired by common life, fears, desires and abrupt behaviours.

  • Kielce, ul. Leśna 7
  • +48 41 344 49 42
Exhibition of Lucyna Gozdek

Office of Artistic Exhibitions in Kielce, invites to an exhibition of paintings by Lucyna Gozdek.

  • Kielce, ul. Leśna 7
  • +48 41 344 63 19
Exotarium Valley of Reptiles

Opened in April 2007, the Kielce exotarium is located on the premises of the Park Stadion. The exhibition occupies a building specially adapted for the needs of the exotic residents. Certain endangered species (Ceylon python, Russian tortoise) are also present in the Kielce exotarium.

  • Kielce, ul. Kusocińskiego 61a
  • +48 41 361 40 81
Exploring the Beauty of Świętokrzyski National Park - On the Chełmowa Hill

Established already in 1920. reserve in Chelmowa, has become the nucleus of the Świętokrzyski National Park. The proposed route allows to become acquainted not only with the nature of the Świętokrzyskie region, but also the treasures of material culture.

  • +48 41 344 77 43
Fabryka Fajnych Fot (Industry of the Nice Snaps)

The Industry of the Nice Snaps was created by few joung and talented people who can be proud of their artistic experience. Their activity concerns everyday life, unusual situations, landscapes.

  • Kielce, ul. Słowackiego 23
  • +48 41 361 39 31
Fair of Folk Handicraft in Kowala

Competition for the best local food, performances of folk bands, street market stands, dance entertainment and many other attractions waiting for the participants.

  • Kowala, 0 Szkoła Podstawowa im. Antoniego Hedy "Szarego"
  • +48 41 347 50 00
Feast of Small Homelands

Feast of Small Homelands pedestrian Kielce fair is combined with artistic performances and presentations of local products.

  • Kielce, pl. Artystów
  • +48 41 367 66 26
Final of Summer Classic Stages

Completion of the summer, the Summer Stage of Kielce Cultural Centre will be held under the sign of classical music.

  • Kielce, pl. Moniuszki 2B
  • +48 41 344 40 32
Folk Toy: The Exhibition

„Folk Toy” is a brand new exhibition organized especially on the occasion of International Children’s Day.

  • Kielce, ul. Orla 3
  • +48 41 344 67 64
For Shakespeare Fans

Students of Franklin College from Grimsby, Great Britain will perform "Makbet". It is Shakespeare"s shortest tragedy.

  • Kielce, pl. Zamkowy 1
  • +48 41 344 67 64