Public Beach in Borowa Góra (Kaniów)

Swimming Borowa Top (Kaniów) is located on 750 route, which gives easy access from Kielce and the surrounding area.

  • Kaniów, 1
  • +48 41 348 00 60
Public Beach in Chańcza

Chańcza, the lagoon occurred on the Czarna Staszowska river has 470 ha area. In summer it is a great place for fans of sunbathing and surfing, racing, or kayaking.

  • Korytnica, 1
  • +48 41 348 00 60

  • Kielce, ul. Orzeszkowej 51A
  • +48 41 332 57 19
Rally with Adventure

Holiday offer for those who enjoy hiking. Rally with Adventure is an excellent opportunity to actively spend time.

  • Góry Świętokrzyskie
  • +48 41 344 77 43
Recent and Ancient Sciences

How the time is measured? How much does screen weigh? ? Is it possible to trick the human eye? What is the microprocessor, and a computer from the inside?

  • Kielce, pl. Wolności 2
  • +48 41 344 40 78
Red Trail from Kielce to Chęciny

Perfect trail for one-day trip. The route is relatively easy, however, the Mountain Patrol can be troubled. Particular attention should be paid when crossing the ridge the rock mountain in Zelejowa Reserve.

  • +48 41 344 77 43
Renewal of the Jewish Massaccre Tomb

Jan Karski Association invites to take active participant in unveiling of a renewed tomb of Kielce Jewish Massacre and other celebrations.

  • Kielce, al. IX WIeków Kielc near Menora Monument
Roasting potatoes on St. Teklas’s day

Every year the potato Day is around September 23, which Tekla’s name-day.

  • Dębno near Raków
  • +48 41 353 50 18
Rok Styl Studio Kielce

Patients of our beauty studio can avail themselves of such treatments as massages with use of hot chocolate and hot stones, rehabilitation and body shaping treatments with use on the only Kielce Starvac Sp2 facility.

  • Kielce, ul. Grenadierów 8
  • + 48 41 361 50 00
Rolke, Chris Niedenthal „Neighbour”

An innovative photography exhibition in Kielce Office of Artistic Exhibition.

  • Kielce, ul. Planty 7
  • +48 41 344 76 36