Literary Trail

There are many ways of touring and visiting the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship. One of the most comfortable and quickest is traveling by car. For those who choose this mode of touring, we have prepared the Świętokrzyski Literary Trail divided into three loops: Ponidziańska, Sandomiersko-Ostrowicka and Kielecka. While visiting sights along this route, you will get acquainted with life and works of many Polish poets and writers.

  • +48 41 348 00 60
Świętokrzyski Archeo-Geo Trail

Świętokrzyski Archeo – Geology Trail is based on the greatest wealth of the Kielce Land - geological and archaeological resources. The rail gathers: Krzemionki, Jurassic Park of Bałtów, Kielce with Wietrznia and Kadzielnia reserves, and many other attractions including, of course Zachełmie and famous in the world Tetrapod traces. To sum up, Archeo – Geo Trail gathers 18 objects, combined into one route.