Franciscan Monastery Complex

The monastery was founded by king Kazimierz Wielki in 1368. Ruined by Protestants and Swedes, it was rebuilt and enlarges in the later periods to acquire new cloisters, chapels and additional storeys. It was taken away from the Franciscans at the beginning of the 19th century and became a prison.

  • Chęciny, ul. Franciszkańska 10
  • +48 41 315 10 69
Saint Adalbert"s Church

It"s the oldest church in Kielce. The first wooden building was erected at the turn of the 11th century. The next church was founded by canon Józef Rogalla in 1763. It was made of brick and acquired the Baroque appearance.

  • Kielce, Skwer Świętego Wojciecha 9
  • +48 41 344 46 81
The Cathedral in Kielce

In 1171 the Bishop Gedeon founded a collegiate church under the invocation of the Assumption located on Wzgórze Zamkowe. It was a Romanesque-style temple.

  • Kielce, pl. Marii Panny 3
  • 048 41 344 63 07
The Holy Cross

Łysiec mountain, nowadays referred to as Święty Krzyż mountain was especially liked by witches ages ago. The folk legend has it that during their Sabbaths witches practised witchcraft and organised hellish parties and dances.

  • Święty Krzyż, 1 1
  • +48 41 317 70 21
The Parish Church of St Bartholomew in Chęciny

The Parish Church of St Bartholomew is located at the rock terrace cut in the slope of the Zamkowa Mountain (300 m above sea level). It was probably founded by Władysław the Elbow-High. The construction was started around 1315 and was finished in the times of Kazimierz III the Great.

  • Chęciny, ul. Radkowska 4
  • +48 41 315 10 31